Enhances security through a notification on the breach in security

Reduces cost through energy saving

Controlling electrical indicators through the software interface
The client is one of the leading manufacturers of electrical, healthcare, aviation components having a global presence. One of the manufacturing units in Southern India was facing few issues affecting their business operations.
Client’s Challenges
The client was in an urge to resolve the following issues as it was affecting their business operations. Their requirements were to save cost through energy saving, enhance security through a notification on the security breaches, have an alert system to indicate engineers on increase in voltage in a relay component, and to have an interface to view the details of the components tested in the panels and indicate the location of the pillar through a light.
Hubino having proved its mettle in IoT space gained the client’s attention to deliver the solution. Smart switching of electrical components that save energy automatically when no employee is around. The next solution was the notification system when an unauthorized employee enters a restricted area. The next solution sends out alerts to concerned engineers to resolve when the voltage exceeds the specified limit in the relay component of the transformer. Another solution is to upload the excel file from the existing SAP system which has the details of components being tested in the panel.
Value Proposition
Using IoT devices, the client managed to achieve enhanced security using a notification system on the security breaches, reduce cost by saving energy, ensuring smooth operation of the transformer reducing the downtime, and controlling indicators using an interface.